So the summer is flying by. We have been lucky here in our little corner of Wisconsin that we have not had all of the extreme weather that others have been plagued by. The gardens are looking lush and beautiful and we have been able to do lots of grilling.
I finally had another open house last weekend. It was good to see old and new faces. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I am also finally putting one in of our "empty nesting" child. Her name is Samantha and she is around 2 we think. We got her from the Iowa County Humane Society. . They are a great group and have wonderful and well taken care of animals. They really work to match you up with the right pet for you.
Miss Sammy has given us a new focus and is a much loved new member of the family.
I will try to post more soon. If any of you ever want to purchase anything you see here just email me or check my new web site. I am just starting to work on it.