Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Surprise

So I am VERY happy to announce I now have a presence in Downtown Mineral Point! Lovely M0lly Walz from the always cool and fun La Bella Vita Fibre Gallery has invited me to join her. I will be in the back room with a some contributions from other Vintage lovers. Retromantic will be the main inventory there and I get to style/design the room to my hearts content.

I will still have my cozy little shop at my home and be open Thursdays through Sundays but I get to help Molly out down at her shop too! So there may be times that you will see a sign at my home that reads "at La Bella Vita". Head on down the hill if you do.

I am also adding some bath and beauty items so watch for those in the next week or so. I am really excited about all of this and hope to see all of you soon. Check out the pics from the space at La Bella Vita. I took them really quick not wanting to disturb all the customers so watch for more pics later.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Renewel of Spirit

I don't know about you, but the summer here this year has been draining. The heat and humidity that we have had virtually all summer along with my extreme change of lifestyle has been challenging. I HATE heat and have never been home all day every day.....

While my time home has been healing it has still been, (and still is) a huge change. But...along with the cooler temperature, and beautiful fall light, comes a lightness of spirit I have been waiting for. I am ready to redecorate my home and of course my shop RETROMANTIC ANTIQUES.

I have been gradually editing my home. As I let go of the negative energy I had been inundated with for so long at work, I am finding I want to also let go of some of the fussiness in my home. It is becoming lighter, cleaner, more focused. Pics to come in the coming weeks. I have also been working on a HUGE project in my kitchen. I am now on floor excavation part II. It is slow going and very hard on my hands and arms. Again pics to come. I know the project and aching knuckles will be worth it.

But back to the shop. I have been refining some ideas I've had for the shop this morning and the pics are just the beginning. Ideas and great stuff to cosy up your nest are being designed and set up.

I know I have been open a little haphazardly the last couple of weeks and I apologize if you have stopped by only to find me closed. To tell the truth that will be happening again this weekend. I am spending time with family before everyone gets so busy with School, and life.

Sorry this has been so rambling but welcome to my brain! lol. Back to the shop and to enjoy this GREAT weather. I will be open all day today(friday) Saturday morning, Sunday by chance. Regular hours starting again next week.
